Articles tagged as: Indianapolis City-County Council
September 10, 2019
City-County Council Adopts Economic Plan For Affordable Downtown Housing
The development at 421 N. Pennsylvania St. will include retail and office space and 213 residential apartment units.
Read MoreSeptember 5, 2019
Commission Evaluates City's Taxi Regulations
The taxi industry in Indianapolis works under strict regulations more strict than those levied on transportation network companies, such as Uber and Lyft.
Read MoreAugust 19, 2019
60,000 emails a year: How part-time city councilors deal with full-time hours
Indianapolis City-County Councilors work part-time and make about $11,400 dollars a year. But many say it's simply not a part-time job.
Read MoreAugust 12, 2019
Mayor Hogsett Introduces Third Consecutive Balanced City-County Budget
The largest allocations from the city go to three categories: 22% for public safety initiatives, 25% for the broadly defined "public services," and 38% for criminal justice services.
Read MoreJuly 19, 2019
New Study Looks At 'Effectiveness' Of City-County Council. What Does That Mean?
Researchers will spend the summer conducting interviews and focus groups with city officials, business and nonprofit leaders, and community members to try to find out how the Council is doing.
Read MoreJuly 17, 2019
Indianapolis Council Backs Pacers Arena $300M Subsidy Plan
City officials in Indianapolis are signing off on a deal for nearly $300 million in public subsidies toward renovation of the Indiana Pacers' downtown arena.
Read MoreJuly 16, 2019
Indy Council Approves $900,000 For Food Access, Anti-Crime Programs
In a packed room, some supported and some opposed the specifics of the proposal. But many voiced concerns before the vote over how the city approached the problem.
Read MoreJune 18, 2019
Indianapolis City-County Council Extends Deadline For Public Survey
The Indianapolis City-County Council extended the deadline for its public survey to evaluate the councils effectiveness. It's part of a larger study conducted by the Public Policy Institute at Indiana University.
Read MoreJune 6, 2019
City-County Council Asks For Resident Feedback
The City-County Council is asking Marion County residents to fill out an online survey on its work. The survey will collect information on attitudes and awareness of the council.
Read MoreJune 3, 2019
City-County Council Considers Path For New Peacekeepers, Clay Resigns
Monday night the Indianapolis City-County Council introduced a proposal to fund two new peacekeepers to work with at-risk youth.
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