State House – District 26

Chris Campbell

Chris Campbell

Party: Democrat
Age: 60
Campaign Site:
Education: Westville HS; Purdue University, B.S. Audiology and Speech Language Pathology (1990); Purdue University, M.S. Audiology (1992)
⦁ Indiana State House of Representatives (2018 - Present)
     ‣ Ranking Minority Member of the Government and Regulatory Affairs Committee
⦁ Commissioner on the West Lafayette Redevelopment Commission (2016 - 2018)

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What do you consider the two most important issues facing Hoosiers who will see your name on their ballot this November? And if elected, what policies will you push for to address each one?

Education & Access and Affordable Healthcare

We've heard from many in our audience that they feel frustrated — sometimes disenfranchised — by our current political landscape. These feelings sometimes contribute to people deciding not to vote, and Indiana consistently ranks near the bottom of the list on voter turnout. What would you say to a potential voter who feels this way?

Your most important Constitutional Right as an American Citizen is your right to vote. Your vote is your opportunity to protect all of your other rights as an American Citizen. Your vote matters and it counts in spite of a lot of misleading information out there and you can make a difference by voting. Many of our elections are decided by a small minority of voters when individuals who are eligible to vote don't cast their vote. All I can say is be a voter! Be the one vote that changes the future!

Economic anxiety is top of mind for many in our audience and around the country, with a common concern being inflation and the high price of basic needs. In all the complexity around economic issues, what specific changes need to happen to help Hoosiers and their families?

Having access to good paying jobs that pay living wages in Indiana will lift all Hoosiers up. In Indiana wages have continued to decline and not keep up with inflation or the rising costs of food and housing. Indiana wages are at 2005 levels falling farther and farther behind other states. Hoosiers pay the most for healthcare which causes individuals to have to choose housing or food over their healthcare needs.*

Indiana needs and can do a better job to bring down the cost of healthcare and access in our state. I have served on the Insurance committee along with Ways and Means (the budget committee), and Government and Regulatory Reform for 6 years and will continue to fight for patients and workers not profit.

*Editor’s note: A study, conducted by the nonprofit policy think tank RAND Corporation, suggests that commercial hospital prices in Indiana are the eighth highest in the country.

Endorsements - Source
UAW Region 2B CAP
Indiana AFL-CIO
AFT Indiana
Moms Demand Action

Notable Donors - Source
ActBlue Donations
LAWPAC Indiana
ACEC Indiana PAC
Indiana Realtors PAC
Indiana PAC for Education
Beer Industry PAC
Elizabeth Delgass
Gordon Coppoc


James Schenke

James Schenke

Party: Republican
Campaign Site:
Education: University of London, Comparative Politics; American University, Political Science and Communications (1990); University of Maryland, B.A. Government and Journalism (1993); Purdue University, History & Education (1997)
⦁ Managing Agent for Sherwood Property LLC (2018 - Present)
⦁ Public Relations Specialist for Sherwood Property Investments (2016 - Present)
⦁ Director of Broadcast Media Relations for Purdue University (2005 - 2017)

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Candidate did not fill out WFYI's survey.

Notable Donors - Source
Sherwood Property LLC
Catherine R Schenke
Henry Schenke
James K Schenke
Shauna L Schenke
Michael Morris
Randy Young
Jeff Findlay
Judith L Buchman