State House – District 94

Cherrish Pryor

Cherrish Pryor

Party: Democrat
Age: 50
Education: Indiana University, B.A. Criminal Justice (1993); Indiana University, Master’s Public Affairs (2005)
⦁ Indiana State House of Representatives (2008 - Present)
     ‣ Democratic Caucus Floor Leader
     ‣ Indiana Black Legislative Caucus
⦁ Member of the Indianapolis City-County Council (2007 - 2008)

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Candidate did not fill out WFYI's survey.

Notable Donors - Source
Indiana Realtors PAC
Indiana Kentucky Ohio Regional Council of Carpenters
Bose Public Affairs Group LLC
Gregory Taylor
Trucking Industry PAC
Charter Communications LLC
ActBlue Donations
Catalyst Public Affairs Group LLC
Eli Lilly and Company PAC
Ice Miller (Ice PAC)