State Senate – District 20

Brian Buchanan

Scott Baldwin

Party: Republican
Campaign Site:
Education: Madison Heights High School; Law Enforcement Education
⦁ Indiana State Senate Representative (2018 - Present)
⦁ US Marine Corps Veteran
⦁ Officer with the Indiana Department of Corrections

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Candidate did not fill out WFYI's survey.

Notable Donors - Source
Innovate Indiana PAC
Christopher T Jensen Campaign
Wabash Valley Resources LLC
Indiana Multi Family Housing PAC
Catalyst Public Affairs Group LLC
Indiana Realtors PAC
Kyle Walker
Northern Indiana Operators Joint Labor Management PAC
Terry Baker


Brian Buchanan

Joel Levi

Party: Democrat
Age: 36
Campaign Site:
Education: Anderson University
⦁ Pharmacy Technician at the Riverview Health Coumadin Clinic and Outpatient Pharmacy
⦁ Musician

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What do you consider the two most important issues facing Hoosiers who will see your name on their ballot this November? And if elected, what policies will you push for to address each one?

Gun violence in Indiana and addressing the affordable housing crisis are the two most important issues facing Hoosiers.

Right now, in the state of Indiana you can have a criminal record and still legally purchase a gun from a private seller without a background check. If you tried to purchase a firearm from Cabela's or Wal-Mart, they would require a background check.* Requiring background checks on private gun sales would not fix the entire crisis, but it would be a significant step forward.

If elected to the Indiana State Senate, my top priority would be spearheading legislation that requires background checks on private gun sales so that Democrats and Republicans can join together to keep Hoosiers safe.

Addressing the affordable housing crisis requires a diverse and multi-faceted approach. My first step would be to partner with Prosperity Indiana and learn from their valuable resources. They are the leader in advocating for safe and affordable housing in Indiana, which promotes health, attracts investment, and builds a prosperous state for all Hoosiers.

*Editor’s note: For clarification, Indiana requires a background check before purchasing a gun through a licensed gun seller. But what’s known as the unlicensed sale loophole allows people in Indiana, even those prohibited from owning guns, to buy them from private, unlicensed dealers without oversight.

We've heard from many in our audience that they feel frustrated — sometimes disenfranchised — by our current political landscape. These feelings sometimes contribute to people deciding not to vote, and Indiana consistently ranks near the bottom of the list on voter turnout. What would you say to a potential voter who feels this way?

As an older Millennial, I understand the younger generation's frustration with the age of the candidates they see on their ballot. I can also see the way that our current politicians are disconnected from the plight of younger voters, especially in regard to the cost-of-living crises.

As a 36-year-old and homeowner, I feel old enough to understand my privilege of having the ability to build equity. But I also feel young enough to understand that young Millennials and the Gen-Z generation feel that they are now being priced out of the American Dream. My goal is to be a bridge between the generations and craft legislation that aims to address affordable housing and the cost-of-living crises in Indiana.

Economic anxiety is top of mind for many in our audience and around the country, with a common concern being inflation and the high price of basic needs. In all the complexity around economic issues, what specific changes need to happen to help Hoosiers and their families?

There are a lot of issues that would need to be addressed to combat inflation and the high prices of basic needs. Quickly rising property taxes are a major source of economic anxiety in Indiana. According to an analysis by the Association of Indiana Counties and Policy Analytics, the gross assessed value of homes jumped 16.5% on average between 2022 and 2023 and property tax bills increased by 18.2% on average.**

I would be an advocate for Jennifer McCormick's plan which includes capping property tax increases at 10%, combined with increasing the homeowner property tax deduction by 40%; increasing personal exemptions by 150%; and increasing the renters tax deduction by 33%.** All changes provide relief through income tax filings, as opposed to reforming the underlying system.

**Editor’s note: These statements appear to be taken from news articles about property taxes and Jennifer McCormick’s proposal.

Endorsements - Source
Moms Demand Action
Everytown for Gun Safety
Planned Parenthood Alliance Activists
Sierra Club - Hoosier Chapter
Candidates for Common Good
Rust Belt Rising
Run for Something
UAW Region 2B CAP
Indiana Young Democrats
Indiana Coalition for Public Education
MAD Voters

Notable Donors - Source
Bayonet Media
Andrea Hunley
Tracy A Stout
Sara Draper
William Lesesne Jr
Andrew P Quinn
Hayley Carey
Megan Vanderbur
Earl James