State Senate – District 30

Fady Qaddoura (D) - Incumbent

Fady Qaddoura

Party: Democrat
Age: 44
Campaign Site:
Education: IUPUI, Ph.D. Philanthropy & Public Policy (2018); IUPUI, MPA Public Affairs & Nonprofit Management (2011); University of New Orleans, M.S. Computer Science (2007); University of New Orleans, B.S. Computer Science (2004)
⦁ Indiana State Senator (2020 - Present)
⦁ Ranking Minority Member of the Tax and Fiscal Policy Committee
⦁ Chief Finance and Innovation Officer for Indiana United Ways (2021 - Present)
⦁ Indiana Family and Social Services Administration (2012 - 2016)

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What do you consider the two most important issues facing Hoosiers who will see your name on their ballot this November? And if elected, what policies will you push for to address each one?

1- Budget (funding Public Education, Housing, Medicaid, Infrastructure, local property taxes). Distributing fiscal resources equitably and fairly to benefit all Hoosiers, and serving the most vulnerable.

2- Freedoms (reproductive rights, expanding voting rights, protecting the environment, reducing gun violence). Ensuring that Hoosiers are safe and can make their own decisions, and reach their full potential).

We've heard from many in our audience that they feel frustrated — sometimes disenfranchised — by our current political landscape. These feelings sometimes contribute to people deciding not to vote, and Indiana consistently ranks near the bottom of the list on voter turnout. What would you say to a potential voter who feels this way?

Your vote matters. If every eligible and registered voter participate in the process, we can guarantee a more prosperous, fair, and welcoming Indiana. Because of low turnout, elected officials may not be held accountable by all constituents. If you want a say in how the state uses your tax dollars, and want to ensure that the General Assembly doesn’t pass extreme laws and policies, then you must engage in the process and vote. Change sometimes takes time, not voting will only maintain the status quo.

Economic anxiety is top of mind for many in our audience and around the country, with a common concern being inflation and the high price of basic needs. In all the complexity around economic issues, what specific changes need to happen to help Hoosiers and their families?

We must pass laws to guarantee living wages, expand affordable childcare and housing, establish a universal on my way to pre-k, reduce the costs of health care, expedite Medicaid enrollment for medically vulnerable Hoosiers, and reform the tax system to provide relief to families on fixed income, senior citizens, and veterans.

Endorsements - Source
Our Choice Coalition
UAW Region 2B CAP
Better Indiana
Moms Demand Action
Humane Society Legislative Fund
Planned Parenthood
Indiana AFL-CIO

Notable Donors - Source
ActBlue Donations
Fady Qaddoura
Indiana PAC for Education
Azher Khan
IN Muslim PAC
Yousef Barham
Taiseer Shatara
The Village Holding Group
Naji Zaydan