State House  District 60

Michelle Higgs

Michelle Higgs

Party: Democrat
Age: 57
Campaign Site:
Education: Martinsville HS; University of the Nations Academy of Performing Arts; Geerings Business School, Certificate in Business Administration and Management (1988)
⦁ Owner of Axios Administration LLC (2022 - Present)
⦁ Hoosier Action (2018 - 2023)
⦁ Communications and Technology Manager for Theatre West (2010 - 2018)

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What do you consider the two most important issues facing Hoosiers who will see your name on their ballot this November? And if elected, what policies will you push for to address each one?

Economy - access to jobs with livable wages and benefits, access to affordable housing, reduction in living costs associated with utilities, groceries and taxes; affordable childcare and expansion of child tax credit.

Healthcare - access to comprehensive healthcare, including reproductive and mental healthcare; affordable prescription drugs; expansion of Medicaid/Medicare; environmental protections that prioritize air, water and soil over extraction and profiteering. (Suggestion: end harmful commercial logging practices that are damaging our state forests. Expanding recovery centers funding and staffing levels that are overwhelmed.

We've heard from many in our audience that they feel frustrated — sometimes disenfranchised — by our current political landscape. These feelings sometimes contribute to people deciding not to vote, and Indiana consistently ranks near the bottom of the list on voter turnout. What would you say to a potential voter who feels this way?

As someone who represents a mostly small town and rural district, there are relatively few growing towns in rural districts in Indiana. Gerrymandered districts, carved to protect partisan voting blocks, have made voter turnout incredibly difficult, thereby maintaining a Republican supermajority and Trifecta at the Statehouse. This imbalance of power has removed ballot initiatives from the voters, creating great voter apathy.  It is, therefore, no accident that incredibly unpopular legislation has passed recently, whether it is an almost complete abortion ban, sanctioned declassification of our most vulnerable wetlands, prioritization of corporate greed over Hoosier health and economic opportunity, or defunding of our public schools with devastating impact to rural communities.

I believe change happens when voters actively engage at the grassroots and local level, supporting organizations and candidates around issues that directly impact their lives. This includes running for office and actively engaging in the civic process directly through ballot initiatives and advocacy work at the legislative level. This restores the truth that every vote truly does matter.

Economic anxiety is top of mind for many in our audience and around the country, with a common concern being inflation and the high price of basic needs. In all the complexity around economic issues, what specific changes need to happen to help Hoosiers and their families?

Corporate greed has been a major driver of inflation in the US. While supply chain disruptions triggered normal inflation during and after the pandemic, many corporations chose to buy back stock and report record profits instead of helping stabilize the economy. A number of corporations continue to post record profits while most families struggle to afford basic necessities. While state legislators can help curb profiteering, Indiana's Republican supermajority has chosen to protect business interests over family stability. Rising utility costs and protected monopolies like CenterPoint Energy and Duke Energy have Hoosiers subsidizing their operations, while shareholders profit despite poor infrastructure and environmentally damaging practices.

There’s a clear issue when Indiana is ranked 11th as a pro-business state but 49th in quality of life. This highlights a lack of commitment to the people who call Indiana home. As Representative, I will prioritize Hoosiers over profiteers and out-of-state corporations that focus on extraction and exploitation.


Mad Voters
Stonewall Democrats of South Central Indiana
Planned Parenthood
Candidates for Common Good
Our Choice Coalition
Moms Demand Action
Mental Health Now
U.S. Term Limits
Sierra Club

Notable Donors - Source
Gregory Mc Court Sr
Karen Green Stone
Eileen E Mejia
Boris Menart 10607
Sally L Hegeman
Susan Davis
Catherine Roundtreee
Constance G Hall
Elizabeth Dennehy
Jennifer Bass


Peggy Mayfield

Peggy Mayfield

Party: Republican
Campaign Site:
Education: IUPUI Purdue School of Engineering and Technology (Attended)
⦁ Indiana State House of Representatives (2012 - Present)
     ‣ Vice Chair of the Public Policy Committee
     ‣ Indiana Commission for Women
⦁ Owner of Mayfield Insurance

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Candidate did not fill out WFYI's survey.

Notable Donors - Source
Hoosiers for Quality Education PAC
Insurance PAC
Anheuser Busch Companies LLC
Beer Industry PAC
Indiana Dental PAC
Indiana Realtors PAC
J & J Ventures Gaming LLC
Oliver Wine Company Inc
Republic National Distributing Company of Indiana LLC