Articles tagged as: road funding
February 16, 2017
House Approves Tax-Raising Road Funding Bill
The House approved comprehensive road funding legislation that raises fuel taxes and opens the door to tolling Indiana interstate highways.
Read MoreFebruary 15, 2017
Divisions Emerge As House GOP Unveils Its Budget Proposal
Deep divisions between the House and Senate are emerging over how to make road funding and the state budget work together.
Read MoreFebruary 8, 2017
House GOP Roads Bill Changes To Shift Money To Roads Sooner
House Republicans made a change to their road funding bill that would open a $600 million hole in the next state budget.
Read MoreFebruary 6, 2017
House Democrats Unveil Road Funding Plan
House Democrats unveiled their road funding plan, billing it "No New Taxes." But the proposal would increase personal income tax rates for high-income earners.
Read MoreJanuary 25, 2017
After Hours Of Testimony, Road Funding Bill Clears First Hurdle
This session's major road funding bill cleared its first legislative hurdle as the House Roads Committee approved the measure, largely along party lines.
Read MoreJanuary 12, 2017
GOP Leaders Want Holcomb To Take Charge On Tax Hikes
Republican legislative leaders say it's "critically important" that Governor Eric Holcomb support their charge to raise taxes for road funding.
Read MoreJanuary 10, 2017
Senate GOP Priorities: Road Funding, New ISTEP, Vaping Reform
The caucus' top priorities include a long-term road funding plan, replacing the ISTEP test and addressing vaping liquid regulations
Read MoreOctober 31, 2016
Indiana University Study: Mileage User Fees Face Opposition
The university's School of Public and Environmental Affairs took a look at the popularity of mileage user fees as half the states consider them.
Read MoreSeptember 30, 2016
Roads Task Force Debates Potential Infrastructure Funding Sources
An idea promoted by a Purdue expert testifying before the panel provoked debate among its members: specifically, the value of vehicle miles traveled, or VMT, fees.
Read MoreMarch 23, 2016
Governor Signs Two Road Funding Bills Into Law
The newly signed legislation gives state and local governments about $1 billion in road funding over two years and creates a task force to craft a long term solution for both state and local roads.
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