February 17, 2017

Statehouse Update: Roads Bill, Vetoes, Study Committee On Guns

Original story from   IPBS-RJC

Article origination IPBS-RJC
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The House GOP road funding plan includes 10 cent fuel tax increases, a new $15 registration fee for all vehicles and a $150 annual fee for electric vehicles. The state’s sales tax on gas would be earmarked solely for roads. And the measure gives the governor unchecked authority to toll existing and future roadways. Republicans call the plan data-driven, long-term and responsible. Democrats say it will hurt low-income Hoosiers. The measure now heads to the Senate.

The Senate this week voted to override Mike Pence’s final two vetoes as governor. One measure would open private university police to public records requests while shielding some information. The other delays implementation of some environmental regulations. Legislative leaders said overriding vetoes of the now-sitting vice president did give them pause.

And a House panel amended a gun regulations bill to create a study committee that would explore eliminating Indiana’s handgun license requirement. The amendment’s author, Rep. Jim Lucas (R-Seymour), is an ardent 2nd Amendment supporter who believes the right to bear arms is a constitutional guarantee that cannot be restricted – despite the fact courts have repeatedly upheld modest gun regulations.

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