Articles tagged as: water
December 4, 2018
EPA Grant To Address Regional Water Quality Issues
The award will be used to combat algal blooms which have been a consistent issue in bodies of water, due to changes in water temperature, as well as heavy rainfall and nutrient runoff.
Read MoreOctober 25, 2018
2 Hearings Set On Indiana American Water Rate Hike Request
The utility with about 302,000 Indiana customers is seeking a nearly 17 percent rate increase to help pay for more than $542 million of infrastructure investments.
Read MoreOctober 18, 2018
Groups Discuss Future Of Michindoh Aquifer
The Michindoh Aquifer is a prominent source of water for the corners of the three states -- Michigan, Indiana and Ohio.
Read MoreOctober 11, 2018
Water Task Force Hears About Funding Options, Water Affordability
Experts estimate improvements to the state's water infrastructure will cost billions of dollars - and most of that would come from Indiana residents.
Read MoreOctober 4, 2018
Public Opposition Delays Ohio River Watchdog's Decision To Give Up Regulatory Power
Since ORSANCO announced it would consider removing its pollution control standards, the commission received more than 5,000 comments in opposition. As a result, committee members say they need more time to review the decision
Read MoreOctober 1, 2018
Young Backs Bill To Make HUD Inspect Lead Pipes
Young says HUD already oversees lead paint remediation in homes paid for with federal assistance.
Read MoreSeptember 25, 2018
East Chicago Stops Doing Dangerous Partial Lead Pipe Replacements
The EPA says partial replacement doesn't reduce lead contamination and can sometimes make it worse.
Read MoreSeptember 21, 2018
Panel Wants More Use Of Natural Water-Protection
An organization that represents states in the Great Lakes region says governments should push harder to protect water quality through use of "green infrastructure."
Read MoreSeptember 17, 2018
Farmer Diligence May Be Preventing Algal Blooms In Indiana
Algae doesn't seem to be contaminating Indiana's drinking water as much as it is in other states. Some of the state's success could also be attributed to farmers who keep fertilizers and other nutrients from feeding algal blooms.
Read MoreSeptember 12, 2018
Taxpayers Likely To Pay Billion-Dollar Water Infrastructure Costs
The state Water Infrastructure Task Force is looking into things like how growing populations and businesses will share water as well as replacing aging water lines and septic systems.
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