Articles tagged as: water
January 26, 2016
If Your Water Tastes Different Next Week, This Might Be Why
Citizens Energy Group says some customers may notice a temporary chlorine or "swimming pool" smell in their water; but the utility company says the tap water is still safe to drink and meets all regulatory requirements.
Read MoreJanuary 18, 2016
Cities Struggle To Keep Up With Unfunded Water Mandates
One small Indiana city almost lost control of its water utility, but the state is revising certification tests to help other cities facing the same fate.
Read MoreJanuary 11, 2016
Indiana Town Working To Lower Nitrate Levels In Water Supply
Owensville, in southwestern Indiana, is dealing with high levels of a potentially dangerous chemical compound in its water supply and plans to install a drainage pipe in a farm field to help address its water woes.
Read MoreDecember 11, 2015
During Summer, Indiana Uses Entire Volume Of Wabash River
The Wabash River occupies a comfortable position in Indiana consciousness. The state designated the waterway as its official river in 1996, and marching bands and a cappella groups pay it homage before Purdue football games and the Little 500 bicycle race. But until earlier this year, no one knew exactly how much the state depended on the river.
Read MoreOctober 28, 2015
Sides Agree On Need For Water Infrastructure Upgrades, Differ On How To Pay For Them
Best estimates from the state indicate that Indiana's water utilities need around $15 billion to improve their infrastructure.
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