Articles tagged as: rural health care
January 31, 2020
As 2020 Begins, Another Rural Hospital Closes
In Missouri, six rural hospitals closed in the last five years. It's part of a group of states that have seen higher rates of closures -- states that haven't expanded Medicaid.
Read MoreJanuary 6, 2020
Breast Cancer Is Killing Amish Women. This Bus Brings Help.
The Midwest is home to one of the largest Amish populations in the nation. And many of these settlements overlap with rural Appalachian counties, where access to healthcare is hard to come by.
Read MoreOctober 11, 2019
Seeking A Cure: The Quest To Save Rural Hospitals
This five-part series examines the financial problems faced by rural hospitals across the U.S. More than 110 have closed in less than a decade, and the trend accelerated last year. Others have cut services such as maternity wards to survive.
Read MoreOctober 11, 2019
How One Wisconsin Hospital Was Saved Amid Rural Health Crisis
To survive, Wisconsin's rural hospitals are consolidating, getting creative about doctor recruitment and tapping new segments of the medical market.
Read MoreOctober 10, 2019
Immersion Program Seeks Next Generation Of Rural Doctors
To help address a shortage of medical professionals, a University of Missouri program immerses future doctors, pharmacists, nurses and other health workers in small-towns.
Read MoreOctober 9, 2019
How This Rural Hospital Operates In The Red And Stays Open
The Big Fork, Minnesota municipal hospital is a chronic money-loser. But without it, local leaders fear the community's health would suffer and employers would melt away.
Read MoreOctober 8, 2019
Why Rural Hospitals Keep Closing Maternity Wards
To avoid closing, some hospitals have cut services, including labor and delivery units. That's had a big impact on small Iowa communities.
Read MoreAugust 21, 2019
Title X Changes Likely To Impact Rural, Low-Income Hoosiers
Planned Parenthood plans to stop taking money from the federal Title X program. That has some health providers worried about the potential impact on rural and low-income Hoosiers.
Read MoreJune 26, 2019
Grandparents Are Raising Their Grandkids. Blame Opioids.
In 2017, some 63,000 children were in the care of grandparents; thats 6% of kids statewide. And of those grandparents, 38% were age 60 or older.
Read MoreJune 25, 2019
This Senior Center Combats Loneliness And Health Problems
Loneliness can lead to cognitive and physical decline. This is especially an issue in rural America, where older adults tend to be more isolated.
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