Articles tagged as: rural health care
February 11, 2021
Rural Areas Face Challenges In COVID Vaccine Rollout
Across the Midwest, the rollout of COVID vaccines has been spotty. Lots of people are having a trouble with online signups. And vaccine demand far exceeds supply. That's made the process challenging, especially in rural areas.
Read MoreJanuary 20, 2021
Amid COVID-19, Public Health Workers Face Intense Pressure And Backlash
The work that people in public health do is often not very visible. It's usually focused on long-term impacts like improving maternal health and encouraging flu shots. But when the COVID-19 pandemic hit the U.S. last spring, public health workers were thrown into the spotlight seemingly overnight. And this sudden shift has taken a huge toll on them.
Read MoreJune 25, 2020
'Pure Hell' As COVID-19 Hits Meat Processing Plants In Rural Missouri
Local health providers say they haven't gotten enough support from the state, and communication has been uncoordinated and inconsistent. One says recent days were "pure hell."
Read MoreJune 6, 2020
Language Barrier Hinders COVID-19 Response At Meat Processing Plants
Meat processing plants across the Midwest have become hotspots for COVID-19. Now rural health workers are trying to keep track of workers who get sick -- and those exposed to the disease. But that's challenging because many workers are immigrants or refugees, and theres a language barrier.
Read MoreMay 14, 2020
In Rural America, Hospitals Still Fear COVID-19 Outbreaks
As the coronavirus pandemic continues, some of the biggest outbreaks have been concentrated in urban areas, like New York City and Chicago. But rural America isn't immune to the virus -- and many areas are already dealing with a scarcity of health care.
Read MoreApril 28, 2020
In Rural Areas, COVID-19 Not Always Seen As Big Threat
Many of Americas rural counties have just a handful of COVID-19 cases. And health experts say that may be giving residents a false sense of security. Now, outbreaks at food processing plants could shake that complacency.
Read MoreApril 21, 2020
Rural Health Clinics Cut Staff, Services Amid COVID-19 Outbreak
If someone gets sick in a seven-county swath of the Ozarks of southeastern Missouri, the closest place for treatment is a clinic run by Missouri Highlands Health Care. But the coronavirus has undermined its financial stability.
Read MoreApril 9, 2020
Rural Indiana Virus Worry: 'What More Could I Have Done?'
Decatur County and two other counties in southeast Indiana have among the highest per-capita infection rates in the country, topping the Seattle area and some counties near hard-hit Detroit.
Read MoreMarch 31, 2020
Indiana Farm Bureau's Health Care Bill Signed Into Law; Expected To Roll Out Later This Year
Indiana Farm Bureau members will have another health care option available to them for next year. Indiana joins a growing list of states with farm bureaus to offer health benefit plans.
Read MoreFebruary 26, 2020
Why An Ambulance Might Not Be Ready When You Call
In many states, emergency medical services are not considered essential, like fire or police. That means when you call 911, there's no guarantee an ambulance will respond.
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