Articles tagged as: Mike Pence
March 1, 2016
Federal Judge Rules Indiana Can't Block Syrian Refugees
In a statement, Gov. Mike Pence says he will seek to immediately halt the effects of the judge's ruling and appeal the decision.
Read MoreFebruary 24, 2016
Legislative Maneuvering Begins For Competing Road Funding Plans
The House Roads and Transportation Committee advanced Senate Bill 333 -- Gov. Mike Pence's state road funding plan -- but not before making some major changes.
Read MoreFebruary 18, 2016
Lt. Gov. Sue Ellspermann To Leave Office March 2
The governor's office confirmed Thursday that Lt. Gov. Sue Ellspermann will officially step down March 2. The House and Senate will vote to confirm her replacement, Eric Holcomb, the next day.
Read MoreFebruary 18, 2016
Leaders From Both Parties Ask For Carrier, UTEC To Stay In Indiana
Indiana Republicans and Democrats are reaching across the aisle to urge United Technologies, the parent company of Carrier and UTEC, to not leave Indiana.
Read MoreFebruary 16, 2016
State Ed Board Staffer Had Say In Independent ISTEP Report
An Indiana education official was allowed to suggest edits and changes to a report summarizing an independent investigation into the state's ISTEP exam.
Read MoreFebruary 12, 2016
Indiana Officials Defend Refugee Policy In Federal Court
Exodus Refugee Immigration is suing the state over Gov. Pence's policy to withhold money from agencies resettling Syrian refugees.
Read MoreFebruary 9, 2016
Holcomb Nominated To Replace Ellspermann As Lieutenant Governor
Former Indiana Republican Party Chair Eric Holcomb will soon have the number two job in Indiana state government.
Read MoreFebruary 3, 2016
Pence, Gregg File For 2016 Election
Both candidates for governor in the 2016 race filed to have their names officially placed on the ballot Wednesday.
Read MoreFebruary 3, 2016
Senate Approves Gov. Pence's Road Plan
Senate legislators unanimously endorsed Gov. Mike Pence's short term road funding plan Wednesday, sending it to the House one day after House Republicans pushed through their long term road plan.
Read MoreJanuary 28, 2016
Income Tax Cut Tucked Into Road Funding Proposal
House Ways and Means Chair Tim Brown says the tax cut, which would be spread out over the next 10 years, would balance out his caucus' road funding bill.
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