March 2, 2016

Field Of Finalists For Indiana Supreme Court Vacancy Will Be Whittled To 3

Indiana Supreme Court Justice Brent Dickson will step down April 29 before reaching the court's mandatory retirement age of 75. - file photo

Indiana Supreme Court Justice Brent Dickson will step down April 29 before reaching the court's mandatory retirement age of 75.

file photo

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — A state commission is nearing the end of its work to settle on three finalists for Gov. Mike Pence to pick from to replace retiring Indiana Supreme Court Justice Brent Dickson.

Indiana's Judicial Nominating Commission is set to re-interview 15 semifinalists Thursday and Friday who are seeking to succeed Dickson, whose retirement will continue the recent reshaping of the state's highest court.

After deliberating in private, the commission will vote in public Friday to recommend three finalists to Pence. The governor will then have 60 days to make his first appointment to the five-member court.

Dickson will step down April 29 before reaching the court's mandatory retirement age of 75. His departure will mean four of the court's justices have been appointed since 2010.

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