The changes aim to support and improve walkability, housing diversity and connectivity along bus rapid transit lines.
FILE: WFYIA zoning ordinance targeting transit oriented development in Indianapolis was approved Wednesday. The changes aim to support and improve walkability, housing diversity and connectivity along bus rapid transit lines and in other areas.
One of those lines is the Purple Line connecting downtown to the Far Eastside and Lawrence. City-County Councillor La Keisha Jackson (D) said she was excited about what the ordinance could mean for residents.
"For many communities of color in Indianapolis, a lack of mobility has translated into a lack of 'upward mobility.’ This ordinance creates a symbiotic relationship that can help bring both of those to neighborhoods like District 14 that have long been cut off from the economic growth of our city center,” Jackson said in a written statement.
READ MORE: Transit Oriented Development Goal Of Zoning Amendments
The Metropolitan Development Commission unanimously approved the amendments and changes go into effect Nov 1.
The passed amendments include:
- Recalibrating the lot and yard standards in Dwelling Districts across Marion County to support and encourage infill-housing development;
- Revising the development standards for Mixed-Use Districts to promote commercial and neighborhood development;
- Adding design standards that support walkability, improved streetscapes, and better residential and commercial design;
- An array of housing types that will support greater housing diversity and affordability.
Contact WFYI city government and policy reporter Jill Sheridan at jsheridan@wfyi.org. Follow on Twitter: @JillASheridan.