Indiana Senate Democrats Monday unveiled policy initiatives aimed at helping the state’s undocumented immigrants.
file photoINDIANAPOLIS -- Indiana Senate Democrats Monday unveiled policy initiatives aimed at helping the state’s undocumented immigrants, calling the proposals “practical” and “compassionate."
The Pew Research Center estimates that about 110,000 undocumented immigrants live in Indiana. Senate Democratic Leader Tim Lanane says there are common sense changes the state can make to help not just that population, but all Hoosiers. That includes providing limited drivers permits to undocumented immigrants if they show proof of insurance – which Lanane calls a public safety measure.
“You have individuals who are working, they’re trying to support their families and they may – they probably are – out there operating vehicles right now without the benefit of either a license or financial responsibility.”
Henry Fernandez, a member of the Senate Democrats’ Latino Roundtable, says the Latino community – more than 400,000 people in Indiana – will be paying attention to the General Assembly.
“Immigration is a personal matter and we will vote to support the candidates that are helping our family, our friends and our neighbors,” Fernandez said.
Lanane says after the religious freedom legislation debate of last session, he hopes Republicans will be eager to support the policy proposals and show how welcoming Indiana is.