Indianapolis Mayor Joe Hogsett says he has contacted the U.S. Attorney’s Office and the FBI to monitor investigations into the shooting of 21-year-old Dreasjon Reed.
FacebookLocal civil rights groups are responding to two police shootings in under eight hours in Indianapolis and demanding a fair investigation.
Indianapolis Mayor Joe Hogsett says he has contacted the U.S. Attorney’s Office and the FBI to monitor investigations into the shooting of 21-year-old Dreasjon Reed that was streamed live on Facebook. Marion County Prosecutor Ryan Mears is also calling for an independent prosecutor.
State Rep. Robin Shackleford (D-Indianapolis) chairs the Indiana Black Legislative Caucus, one of the groups calling for an independent investigation. She says there is a lot of mistrust in the community.
"There’s still old wounds and new wounds that haven’t healed," says Shackleford.
Rev. David Greene with Concerned Clergy of Indianapolis says the typical investigative process is flawed.
"Until you engage community members in that process, people are not going to feel like it was fair and impartial," says Greene.
Despite bias training throughout the police department, a responding officer is heard on the Facebook video making an insensitive comment about the need for a closed casket.
Shackleford says that's hurtful.
"The public is of course going to be outraged," she says. "Obviously, either the training didn’t take or something else needs to be done to get the officer in a different mindset."
IMPD Chief Randal Taylor said Thursday the comments were "unacceptable and unbecoming" of the department. He said the department was pursuing disciplinary action against the officer.
Less than eight hours after Reed was shot, police shot and killed another man who allegedly opened fire on officers as they responded to a burglary call. The shootings happened in the same area.
Taylor said Thursday there is no body camera or dash cam footage of either shooting.