December 29, 2017

Cold, Snowy Ending To 2017

Cold, Snowy Ending To 2017

The year 2017 will end on a snowy and very cold note.

“We’ll be seeing temperatures pretty cold. The overnight lows for Saturday night look like they are going to be below zero along the north along I-70. South of there in the single digits and then we will be looking at wind chills that could be approaching minus 20 in some spots” says Crystal Pettet, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Indianapolis.

She says the frigid temperatures will continue into the new year.

“We are looking at temperatures, mind you, low temperatures on Monday night, not wind chills, of below zero down in southern areas like Bedford and Seymour," Pettet says. "Around minus 10 here in Indy and then up in Lafayette, Kokomo areas minus 12 minus 15.”

Snow is expected across much of central Indiana later Friday through early Saturday.  Accumulation of 1 to 3 inches is possible.

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