The Yorktown Town Council voted 6-1 Monday against joining the commission for the Mounds Lake reservoir, a week after a similar rejection by the Daleville Town Council.
file photoYORKTOWN, Ind. (AP) — A second town council has voted not to join a commission that would have overseen a proposal for a $450 million reservoir on the White River in central Indiana.
The Yorktown Town Council voted 6-1 Monday against joining the commission for the Mounds Lake reservoir, a week after a similar rejection by the Daleville Town Council.
Daleville's vote meant the commission wouldn't be able to go forward as written. Anderson and Chesterfield officials had voted to join the commission, which would have overseen a feasibility study expected to cost $28 million.
Rob Sparks, the leader of efforts to build the reservoir, earlier said that supporters still think it's viable, and that steps to keep the project alive would be considered.
Reservoir opponents maintain the reservoir isn't needed for water supplies, and would destroy habitat and threaten historic sites.