August 1, 2021

Staff Spotlight: Tiffany Mertz

Staff Spotlight: Tiffany Mertz

WFYI is powered by everyday people with a commitment to trusted journalism, inspiring stories and lifelong learning. We love serving our community as public media professionals, and also love taking you behind the scenes of WFYI's headquarters. Today, meet Tiffany Mertz, WFYI's Special Projects Coordinator on our Administration and Executive Services team.

What does your work at WFYI usually entail?

I definitely feel like no two days are the same in this job which I truly love. Each day has different challenges and new goals for the day/week/month relating to our on-site facilities and administrative tasks!

Do you have any advice for those who'd like to follow in your footsteps?

My background is originally in theater and stage management... my advice is to not let anyone tell you that you can't be "successful" with a theater degree if you keep an open mind. I've used so much of what I learned while studying theater in this job and love it every day!

It may not be the typical stage manager life, but I do a lot of the same things and get to be home with my kiddo every night and weekend so it's perfect for me!

What do you enjoy most about working at WFYI?

There are truly too many people and things to list... so simply put, I enjoy knowing that the work I do every day helps support WFYI's mission to bring public media to everyone.

When you're not at work, what can you often be found doing?

Probably with my family doing something together — playing games, watching movies, eating good food, or just hanging out at home with our pets. My family is my world so I'm typically doing something with someone!

If you had to take one WFYI program with you to a desert island, what would it be and why?

Choosing only one is tough... but I'd have to pick Antiques Roadshow. So many episodes should last me a good while on that island, and I always enjoyed learning things from watching that show with my grandparents who were antique dealers and my dad who was an auctioneer.