September 1, 2021

Staff Spotlight: Meghan Dagon

Staff Spotlight: Meghan Dagon

WFYI is powered by everyday people with a commitment to trusted journalism, inspiring stories and lifelong learning. We love serving our community as public media professionals, and also love taking you behind the scenes of WFYI's headquarters. Today, meet Meghan Dagon, WFYI's Account Executive on our Corporate Development team.

What does your work at WFYI usually entail?

I work with companies/organizations of all sizes to build an effective marketing campaign utilizing specific marketing platforms to achieve their objective (radio, TV, digital, and events), while at the same time support public media. This includes working with current clients, as well as reaching out to potential clients to educate them on the power of public media. Send any leads my way!

Do you have any advice for those who'd like to follow in your footsteps?

A lot of people are terrified of going into sales. However, if you believe strongly in what you are selling, listen more than you talk, are persistent but not annoying, and excel at customer service including admitting when you are at fault, you can not only do this job, but you'll enjoy it. I know I do!

What do you enjoy most about working at WFYI?

I appreciate the overall atmosphere which is kind and inclusive. I also enjoy the people I work with and am continually amazed at the collective power generated when people all are focused on the same mission.

When you're not at work, what can you often be found doing?

I am usually not sitting down! I enjoy yoga, play tennis and golf, and enjoy walking my 11 year old Golden Doodle, Cramer. Being a Purdue Alumnus, being married to a Purdue alumnus, and mother to 2 sons currently studying at Purdue, my interest in Purdue Football and Basketball is as strong as ever. Boiler Up!

If you had to take one WFYI program with you to a desert island, what would it be and why?

That is a tough question! I have to give you two answers. WFYI Passport so I can ALWAYS watch something entertaining, enlightening and educational that will expand my perspective. The other would have to be WFYI Small Studio Sessions. I love to find new, incredibly talented Indiana musicians from different music genres that I don't normally listen to on an everyday basis. Thank you to Sun King who has sponsored Small Studio Sessions since its inception!