July 1, 2021

Staff Spotlight: Kyle Travers

Staff Spotlight: Kyle Travers

WFYI is powered by everyday people with a commitment to trusted journalism, inspiring stories and lifelong learning. We love serving our community as public media professionals, and also love taking you behind the scenes of WFYI's headquarters. Today, meet Kyle Travers, WFYI's Producer on our Video Production team.

What does your work at WFYI usually entail?

Editing video, scheduling shoots, doing research, writing scripts, conducting interviews. It's different every day. The best part of my job is I get to visit unusual places and meet fascinating people.

Do you have any advice for those who'd like to follow in your footsteps?

Show up. When I started as a freelancer, I would go into the station even if I wasn't scheduled to work, and usually someone had work for me or could teach me something. I was really lucky people gave me opportunities.

What do you enjoy most about working at WFYI?

Video production is a team sport, and I love working with talented people. I'm more of an organizer, so it's fun to work with people who are naturally creative.

When you're not at work, what can you often be found doing?

Traveling. It's fun to search out good deals, plan itineraries, ask people about different locations and learn about unique cultures. It's actually a lot like producing video. And like a shoot, it doesn't always go to plan, and you have to roll with it and enjoy the experience.

If you had to take one WFYI program with you to a desert island, what would it be and why?

Rick Steves. It seems silly to watch a travel show while stranded on an island, but... see answer above.