December 1, 2021

Staff Spotlight: Christos Reid

Staff Spotlight: Christos Reid

WFYI is powered by everyday people with a commitment to trusted journalism, inspiring stories and lifelong learning. We love serving our community as public media professionals, and also love taking you behind the scenes of WFYI's headquarters. Today, meet Christos Reid, WFYI's Multiplatform Marketing Manager on our Marketing team.

What does your work at WFYI usually entail?

As our multiplatform marketing manager, my role is primarily to keep people informed of every single initiative at WFYI, from programming to news to advertising. This can involve anything from creating Facebook ads to writing in-depth strategic planning documents for major new releases. It's different every week, and I love the variety.

Do you have any advice for those who'd like to follow in your footsteps?

Stay curious. Working in multiplatform means constantly staying up to date with new social media platforms, new data types and the current landscape of audiences and zeitgeists that make up the "you" that WFYI is always here for. If you're an info sponge, this career is for you.

What do you enjoy most about working at WFYI?

Serving the public. I am so proud to use my skillset to keep our community entertained and informed. I get to see the real-time impact of how hard we work to be there for people, whether it's a news article or a live event. That's priceless.

When you're not at work, what can you often be found doing?

I paint miniatures, which is a very niche hobby to be in, but it gives me a break from screens and lets me maintain my manual dexterity and creativity. I also just finished studying for my U.S. citizenship (I'm British), which I attained last month with a huge amount of support from WFYI.

If you had to take one WFYI program with you to a desert island, what would it be and why?

Echoes of Indiana Avenue. I grew up playing gigs in London, and was raised on jazz and blues. Music history is very important to me, and I think Kyle and Herman bring it to life so beautifully.