March 1, 2024

Sponsor Spotlight: Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra

Sponsor Spotlight: Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra

Tell us about your organization, who you are, and the role you play there. 

My name is Jun Märkl, and I am the new music director for the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra. As music director, my role is to bring creative leadership to the ISO through visionary programming, community engagement, and artistic development. As we look forward to the 2024–25 season, I am honored and humbled to step into this role. The ISO's talented musicians provide an invaluable cultural asset to our city as they connect music fans of all ages with life-changing experiences throughout the year.

I am eager to explore the storied traditions of the ISO and create new opportunities for artistic exploration, and I look forward to creating special moments in music with the ISO musicians. I’m trying to create an ensemble where everyone feels that they have some importance in the whole performance or rehearsal. Music is a two-way street: I start the piece, but I listen to the musicians. I’m helping to organize the most beautiful things when we all play together. 

What role does your company play in the community?

The Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra shines a sparkling light throughout the city of Indianapolis with every unforgettable performance. Through our concerts that feature the incredibly talented ISO musicians, highly acclaimed soloists and guest conductors, the ISO’s Education and Community Engagement programs that serve music lovers of all ages, and so much more, the ISO is a positive force for good in our community, and I’m excited and honored to lead the charge. 

What value does WFYI provide the community?

WFYI is important to the community because it supports the arts, creativity, and independent thinking. The arts, including the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra, play a crucial role in enriching and strengthening a community. Beyond mere entertainment, the arts contribute to the cultural fabric, fostering a sense of identity and shared experience. The Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra, with its world-class musicians and diverse repertoire, serves as a cultural cornerstone, providing a platform for artistic expression that transcends language barriers and connects people across generations.

Supporting the arts and organizations such as WFYI is an investment in the community's well-being. Exposure to music and the performing arts enhances cognitive development, creativity, and critical thinking skills in individuals of all ages. Furthermore, the ISO contributes to the local economy by attracting tourism, creating jobs, and boosting businesses in the area. In essence, backing the arts is an investment in the soul of a community, promoting education, unity, and economic vitality. By supporting public media and the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra, individuals contribute to the cultural legacy of their community, ensuring that the transformative power of the arts continues to inspire and connect generations to come.

Interested in becoming a sponsor? Reach out to Niki Staggs at or visit our Become a Sponsor page for more information.