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Rokita's Confidential Agreement Made Public, School Boards Controlling Material on Human Sexuality, Psilocybin as a Treatment, Virtual School $44 Million Fraud Case
February 02, 2024
The Indiana Supreme Court yesterday made public a confidential agreement entered into by Attorney General Todd Rokita when he was publicly reprimanded by the court last year. A Senate committee approved a bill on Wednesday that would give school boards the authority to approve or deny curricular materials concerning human sexuality. Researchers have been looking at using psilocybin — a chemical compound found in some psychedelic mushrooms — as a treatment for mental health issues, substance use disorders and chronic pain. Last week federal prosecutors arrested the former heads of two virtual schools - they’re accused of defrauding the state of Indiana of more than 44 million dollars by faking student enrollments.
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Today's episode of WFYI News Now was produced by Darian Benson, Abriana Herron, Drew Daudelin and Kendall Antron with support from Sarah Neal-Estes.