Johannesson is elected to parliament; Kinna and Tomasina's relationship is in danger.
Miss Friman's War
Swedish Homes is divided when young Britta is accused of prostitution. Will they help her?...
Miss Friman and the others go after the system that targets women on the streets.
Britta is facing prison time. Will Wikland manage to get away with it once again?
The labor movement is beginning to shake things up, but women are left out once again.
When the women at the cannery join the strike, they receive an offer to run the machines.
In response to the workers’ strike, Mrs. Blanck brings in new workers from England.
Dagmar’s suffragette ideals do not go down well back home in Sweden.
The city's grocery retailers are determined to stop Dagmar from opening her store.
Dagmar grieves Ruben as she readies to open the shop; other grocers initiate a boycott.
The women of Swedish Homes start to campaign for women's suffrage.
Lottie's marriage is at a breaking point; Tora is pregnant with her first child.