Back to: Indiana Week in Review
Meeting Adjourned - November 15, 2013
November 15, 2013
Why did Glenda Ritz shut down a meeting of the state Board of Education?
Legal Battle - November 8, 2013
November 8, 2013
Legal battle. The state superintendent and the Attorney General square off.
Obamacare Website - November 1, 2013
November 1, 2013
Fixing the Obamacare website - one Indiana Congressman wants a timeline.
Glenda Ritz Lawsuit - October 25, 2013
October 25, 2013
The Glenda Ritz lawsuit against the Board of Education. Why did it come to this?
Government Shutdown Over - October 18, 2013
October 18, 2013
The government shutdown is over and two Indiana lawmakers win praise.
Medical Device Tax - October 11, 2013
October 11, 2013
The governor wants a repeal of the medical device tax.
Stutzman Backtracks - October 4, 2013
October 4, 2013
Marlin Stutzman backtracks on comments. Did he give away the strategy?
Fighting Obamacare - September 27, 2013
September 27, 2013
Fighting Obamacare. How Susan Brooks is using taxpayer money to spread her message.
Obamacare Alternative - September 20, 2013
September 20, 2013
The alternative to Obamacare and Todd Rokita's role.
Right to Work Unconstitutional - September 13, 2013
September 13, 2013
Right to Work found unconstitutional. Will the ruling stand?
Healthy Indiana Plan - September 6, 2013
September 6, 2013
The Healthy Indiana Plan lives on. Is it the victory the governor says it is?