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Indiana Roadway Tractor Trailor Weight Limits
March 26, 2021
Most of us would be pleased to lighten our loads but not the trucking industry’s biggest movers and shakers. They're driving legislation that would effectively raise the weight limit for many of the semis that traverse Indiana’s roadways. They say the permit overhaul they favor would boost the state’s economy, generate more money for road repairs and level the playing field for all freight carriers, regardless of their cargo. Under current law, exceptions to Indiana’s 80,000-pound weight limit are available only to haulers of agricultural commodities or steel. Critics argue that the proposed changes would wreak havoc on the state’s roads and bridges, lead to deadlier crashes, and undermine the rail industry. On this week’s show, Jon Schwantes and his panelists will, ahem, weigh in on the debate. So buckle up for what promises to be a pedal-to-the-metal discussion. Our panelists this week will be Republican Representative Jim Pressel of Rolling Prairie, first-year chairman of the House Roads and Transportation Committee; Republican Representative Tom Saunders of Lewisville, a member of that panel; Peter Mills, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Indiana Rail Road Company; and Kendell Culp of Rensselaer, President of the Jasper County Commissioners and immediate past president of the Indiana Association of County Commissioners.