Articles tagged as: wind energy
March 4, 2025
Bill would help make power lines more efficient, get more wind and solar on the grid
There’s so much wind and solar energy being proposed in the U.S. that there’s not enough power lines to get that energy where it needs to go. Building out that new transmission is expensive — it’s one of the things causing Indiana utilities to raise customers’ electric bills right now.
Read MoreJanuary 16, 2024
Bill would give counties more flexibility to access 'solar-, wind-ready community' incentives
A state law says counties with wind or solar ordinances that are more restrictive than state guidelines can't access state incentives. But a new state House bill, HB 1278, would let counties that nearly meet the guidelines get them too.
Read MoreApril 14, 2021
Split Senate Leads To Death Of Controversial Wind, Solar Bill
A controversial bill that aimed to standardize where wind and solar farms could be located in the state was withdrawn in the state Senate on Tuesday.
Read MoreApril 1, 2021
Amendment Strikes Compromise Between Wind Companies And Indiana Counties
A new amendment in House Bill 1381 allows counties that have restrictive wind farm ordinances to keep them, but also encourages them to allow wind farms in special districts.
Read MoreDecember 17, 2020
Lawmakers Aim To Standardize Laws For Wind, Solar Projects In Indiana
Indiana lawmakers plan to introduce legislation that would make it easier for renewable energy companies to invest in Indiana.
Read MoreSeptember 9, 2019
Indiana Sees Surge In Wind Power Despite Lack Of Standards
Since 2008, developers have installed more than 1,000 wind turbines across Indiana, primarily on 16 large wind farms.
Read MoreSeptember 3, 2019
Will Vectren Be Mostly Wind And Solar In The Future?
Vectren turned to the market to find the best sources for its long-term energy plan and mostly received bids for solar and wind projects.
Read MoreSeptember 21, 2018
British Company Drops Plans For Northern Indiana Wind Farm
Renewable Energy Systems dropped its proposal for the Harvest Wind Energy project, which called for between 150 and 225 wind turbines in Cass and Miami counties.
Read MoreJuly 4, 2018
Official: 75-Turbine Wind Project In Miami County Unlikely
A new ordinance would require 2,000 feet between turbines and property lines.
Read MoreMay 24, 2018
Customers Paying For Damages From Duke Energy Lawsuit
A circuit court ruled that Duke violated its contract with Benton County Wind Farm and has to pay $29 million in damages.
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