Articles tagged as: USDA
January 20, 2017
Indiana Ag Hopes Trump's Pick For USDA Chief Will Preserve Trade
They hope former Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue's background in commercial farming means he'll advocate for trade deals Trump has railed against.
Read MoreOctober 13, 2016
USDA Lowers Corn Yield Forecast; Soybeans Should Still Set Records
Indiana farmers are harvesting a record amount of soybeans, but those gains are being offset by lower than expected corn yields.
Read MoreSeptember 27, 2016
Bill Would Extend Farm Safety Net To Urban Growers
A bill being introduced in the U.S. Senate would extend USDA programs such as farm loans and conservation incentives to farmers in cities and towns.
Read MoreSeptember 12, 2016
Food Insecurity Rises In Indiana, Drops Nationally
The number of people in Indiana reporting low food security is 14.8%.
Read MoreSeptember 7, 2016
Indiana Not Part Of USDA's New Transitional Housing Program
Despite Indiana's opioid crisis and reported need for such programs, many of the USDA's plans won't come to the state in the near future, in part because of a technicality about how Indiana manages homes owned by the USDA.
Read MoreAugust 9, 2016
Quality Corn Could Ease Indiana Farmers' Oversupply Woes
As of this week, the UDSA says 53 percent of Indiana corn is in good condition, with 20 percent considered excellent -- both slightly above the 2015 national average.
Read MoreJuly 15, 2016
USDA Files Complaint Against Charlestown Wildlife Sanctuary
The allegations include repeated failures to provide adequate veterinary care to animals and to handle animals carefully, as well as physical abuse.
Read MoreJuly 5, 2016
Farm Bureau: New Organic Animal Welfare Rules Would Hurt Farmers
The proposed changes aim to make sure certified organic cows, chickens, pigs and other animals are raised and killed more humanely.
Read MoreJune 23, 2016
Many Children Still Hungry For Summer Food
Summer Food Service Programs are running across Indiana to help children who need healthy food when school's out but many low-income Hoosier children are unable to connect with the meals.
Read MoreJune 9, 2016
Summer Feeding Program Kicks Off In Indy
The program provides free, nutritious meals to children in low-income areas in Indiana during the summer months.
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