Articles tagged as: telehealth
January 30, 2025
Lawmakers hope to close telehealth gap for hard-of-hearing Hoosiers
A 2023 law made it easier for some Indiana medical providers to offer telehealth services. But, speech-language pathology assistants weren’t included under that law. State lawmakers now want to correct that.
Read MoreJanuary 5, 2024
Eli Lilly launches telehealth service, will ship some medication directly to patients
The LillyDirect website connects people with independent telehealth providers, tailored support and other disease management resources. The website also allows patients to have some medications delivered directly to their home.
Read MoreMay 15, 2023
How does telehealth affect health care in rural communities?
How does telehealth affect health care in rural areas? One audience member inspired this question.
Read MoreMay 11, 2023
How can Hoosiers ensure their telehealth providers are legitimate?
How can Hoosiers know the telehealth services they're receiving are legitimate? A listener from Kewanna, Indiana, was curious.
Read MoreApril 18, 2023
What are some limitations Hoosiers face with telehealth?
What are some of the challenges with telehealth in Indiana? Several members of our audience inspired this question.
Read MoreFebruary 2, 2021
Senate Unanimously Passes 'Transformational' Telehealth Expansion Bill
Telehealth services temporarily expanded during the pandemic will be permanently expanded under legislation unanimously approved by the Indiana Senate Tuesday.
Read MoreJanuary 18, 2021
Telemedicine Sounds Great, But There Are Barriers, Too
As soon as COVID hit, there was a huge jump in telemedicine visits. But some of these virtual options remain out of reach for the most vulnerable populations, like seniors and rural residents.
Read MoreJune 22, 2020
Indiana Doctors Use Telemedicine For Patient Visits
IU Health, the state's largest hospital system, said its doctors have conducted about 80,000 telemedicine visits this year, a 10,000 percent increase since the COVID-19 virus hit the state in March.
Read MoreApril 28, 2020
Telehealth Surges During COVID-19 Crisis, But Will It Last?
The coronavirus pandemic has forced hospitals and doctors to move much of their work online. That shift to telehealth required big changes -- from relaxing federal regulations to getting buy-in from doctors.
Read MoreApril 16, 2020
Mind Over Pandemic: How Mental Health Professionals Are Adapting Amid Crisis
In light of orders to stay at home and avoid close, prolonged contact with other people, counseling facilities have had to close their doors to in-person sessions. Which means, much like the rest of us, mental health professionals have had to adapt to continue to provide care.
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