Articles tagged as: pedestrian deaths
November 20, 2024
Vigil remembers people killed on Indianapolis roads, calls for traffic safety improvements
Bike Indianapolis held the vigil Sunday evening to remember 81 people killed in traffic incidents in Indianapolis — some whose names are known and some who are not. Speakers and attendees at the vigil emphasized the need for safety improvements on roads and trails in the city.
Read MoreFebruary 5, 2024
Fatal crash review updates and controversial development project passed by council
The Indianapolis City-County Council held its monthly meeting Monday night, and approved controversial rezoning for a development project.
Read MoreJuly 28, 2023
Traffic calming project aims to improve road safety on Indianapolis's east side
A new community-led project to calm traffic on Indianapolis’s east side is underway.
Read MoreJuly 6, 2023
Indianapolis Mayor unveils plans to improve streets, safety and update the road funding formula
Indianapolis Mayor Joe Hogsett announced investments to improve streets, pedestrian safety and state funding for roads.
Read MoreApril 25, 2023
Pedestrian death ruled an accident in patrol vehicle crash, investigation continues
The Allen County Coroner has declared the death of 52-year-old Henry Najdeski an accident, due to multiple blunt force trauma.
Read MoreFebruary 25, 2023
Hannah’s Memorial Playground opens in Irvington as pedestrian safety remains an issue
The grand opening of Hannah’s Memorial Playground was a celebration marked by the squeals and laughter of children and the tears of a community still grieving the loss of a 7-year-old girl.
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