Articles tagged as: naloxone

A free online training teaches Indiana residents how to reverse overdoses
Indiana, Overdose Lifeline have distributed more than 1 million naloxone kits since 2020
Indianapolis EMS begins “leave-behind” program to reduce drug overdose deaths
The Checkup: Most teenage overdose deaths happen at home. Here’s what parents need to know
Overdose deaths fell 5% in 2022, new state report shows
Narcan is sold over-the-counter now. Here’s a look at the initial rollout and what it means for access
FDA decision could further increase Narcan access in Indiana
‘Stitching Away Stigma’ provides harm reduction items and encouragement to people with addiction
In effort to prevent overdose deaths, nonprofit installs 14 NaloxBoxes in Johnson County
Indiana overdose deaths reach record high for second consecutive year