Articles tagged as: Mike Pence
August 25, 2016
Trump-Pence Campaign To Mobilize In Indiana
In the limited polling Indiana has seen so far in the presidential race, Republican Donald Trump has a sizeable lead over Democrat Hillary Clinton.
Read MoreAugust 17, 2016
3 Hoosier Farmers Will Help Advise Trump On Ag, Rural Issues
The Indiana-based co-chairs of Trump's agriculture committee represent three of the largest and most well-connected farm businesses in the state and the country.
Read MoreAugust 5, 2016
Pence Returns To Indiana For State Fair's Opening Ceremony
Gov. Mike Pence and his wife Karen participated in the fair's opening ceremony and the unveiling of the Bicentennial exhibit.
Read MoreJuly 29, 2016
Pence: Election Is 'Fork In The Road" For Constitutional Protections
Indiana Gov. Mike Pence warned that the November election would be a "fork in the road." If Clinton is elected, he said, her administration could stack the U.S. Supreme Court with appointees who would damage constitutional protections of on "sanctity of life", the Second Amendment and the overall "rule of law" for the next 40 years.
Read MoreJuly 22, 2016
Pence Endorses Holcomb As His Replacement On Indiana GOP Ticket
Holcomb is one of four candidates vying to replace Pence on the ballot, along with U.S. Representatives Susan Brooks and Todd Rokita and State Sen. Jim Tomes.
Read MoreJuly 21, 2016
Pence Officially Accepts Nomination As GOP Vice Presidential Candidate
Mike Pence took the stage at the Republican National Convention Wednesday to make his case for the Trump-Pence ticket.
Read MoreJuly 20, 2016
What Did Mike Pence Do For Indiana Schools As Governor? Here's A Look
Donald Trump has said: "Got to get rid of Common Core - fast." And a couple of years ago, it seemed Pence would be a trailblazer in doing that at the state level. It didn't totally turn out that way.
Read MoreJuly 20, 2016
On Health Policy, A Contentious Record For Pence
Gov. Mike Pence's decisions about health and healthcare in Indiana have drawn attention from within and outside the state. And his record could be important in November, because his running mate doesn't have a legislative record at all. Here's a quick look at the governor's record on health policy in Indiana.
Read MoreJuly 20, 2016
What Will Happen To The Money In Pence's Gubernatorial Campaign Account?
Through the last campaign finance filing period - which ended June 30 - Pence had more than $7 million in his gubernatorial campaign account.
Read MoreJuly 18, 2016
Experts Talk GOP Nomination For Governor's Race
The Indiana Republican Party will choose its replacement for Mike Pence on the gubernatorial ticket in a little more than a week.
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