Articles tagged as: Medicare
October 17, 2024
Report: Indiana's total health costs near national average, but differ in other key areas
The report is an update on a version from Indiana University’s Fairbanks School of Public Health – released in – as legislators began looking into Indiana’s health care costs. Both reports compile a range of publicly available data on factors that may affect health spending and costs.
Read MoreJuly 3, 2024
How supporting caregivers could make a difference in dementia
Patients and their caregivers are often left to navigate the confusing world of dementia by themselves, but Medicare is launching a new program to change that.
Read MoreJune 28, 2024
Indiana can no longer charge monthly payments for HIP after federal ruling
Indiana will no longer be able to require monthly payments for one of its Medicaid programs after a 2020 approval was vacated by a federal judge.
Read MoreJune 5, 2024
CMS approves Indiana's changes to several Medicaid waivers
Hoosiers with disabilities or those who want to age in place will see significant changes to Medicaid services following the federal government's final approval to plans proposed by the state.
Read MoreApril 9, 2024
Lawmaker wants to make new guidance on informed consent for certain exams under anesthesia state law
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recently released guidance requiring informed consent for pelvic, breast, prostate or rectal exams under anesthesia. Because Medicare funding can be tied to compliance, most hospitals are likely to follow it. However, one lawmaker is still pushing to add the informed consent requirements to state law.
Read MoreMarch 14, 2024
Poor, sick Hoosiers are stuck in a Medicare-Medicaid maze. A new bill proposes a fix
A new bipartisan bill takes aim at a $500 billion government health care mess. Will it make care better for some of the country's sickest, poorest patients?
Read MoreDecember 19, 2023
Indiana health network agrees to pay $345 million to settle false claims case
Indianapolis-based Community Health Network has agreed to pay the United States $345 million in a settlement after accusations of submitting false claims to Medicare.
Read MoreOctober 13, 2023
Indiana Medicare assistance program hosts events as open enrollment begins
Open enrollment for Medicare begins on Oct. 15 and runs through Dec. 7. A state Medicare assistance program is hosting a series of events to help people in Indiana navigate the open enrollment period.
Read MoreSeptember 21, 2023
How millions of the country's poorest, sickest patients get trapped between Medicare and Medicaid
A bipartisan group of lawmakers agree: Medicare and Medicaid are failing 12 million of the country's most vulnerable patients.
Read MoreAugust 29, 2023
Medicare will negotiate drug prices for the first time ever. Here’s what that means
For the first time in its 58-year history, Medicare, the public health insurance program for seniors, will have the power to ask for price cuts from drugmakers thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act passed last year.
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