Articles tagged as: Lifeline Law
January 17, 2025
Expansion to Indiana's Lifeline Law advances as student leaders, law enforcement advocate
Indiana’s Lifeline Law — which provides immunity from underage drinking charges for people who seek police or medical help — has been in place for more than a decade.
Read MoreDecember 4, 2024
Purdue students lead push to update Lifeline Law
This year marks the12-year anniversary of Indiana's Lifeline Law. The law protects those who call or text 911 to help an underage friend experiencing an alcohol-related medical emergency from facing legal consequences for underage drinking.
Read MoreDecember 30, 2015
Lawmakers To Consider Expanding Indiana's Lifeline Law
The Lifeline law provides drunk minors with immunity from underage drinking charges if they seek medical or police help for any reason. Indianapolis Republican Sen. Jim Merritt wants to expand it further, this time providing immunity from drug charges for people under 21.
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