Articles tagged as: IPB

Study: Leaving rural Hoosiers out of climate conversations fuels skepticism, resentment
Indiana crosses 1.8 million cases, as new confirmed positives steadily rise
Indiana ban on abortions performed because of fetus's characteristics reinstated by court
Indiana doctor takes step towards defamation lawsuit against Rokita
Indiana eclipses 23,000 COVID-19 deaths, expert says older vaccination uptake helped stem rate
Holcomb has no plans to expand inflation relief proposal despite $6 billion in budget reserves
Millions of Hoosiers will experience delay in receiving automatic taxpayer refund checks
INDOT drafts plan for electric vehicle charging stations, alliance raises equity concerns
Many Hoosiers have a second fridge — but it's not the best for your wallet or the environment
Holcomb names former supermarket executive as Department of Labor chief