Articles tagged as: IPB
June 14, 2023
Lawsuit challenges local government for failure to redistrict before deadline
A new lawsuit alleges the Anderson City Council failed to draw new redistricting maps before the 2022 deadline a violation of state and federal law.
Read MoreJune 13, 2023
Indiana lawmakers to study cannabis again, though GOP leaders still downplay legalization
For the second year in a row, Indiana lawmakers will examine cannabis legalization during their study committee period. But Republican leaders are still downplaying the possibility of actual legalization.
Read MoreJune 13, 2023
House Speaker Todd Huston 'disappointed' in Rep. Jim Lucas after guilty pleas
Indiana House Speaker Todd Huston said he's disappointed in the actions of Rep. Jim Lucas, who pleaded guilty Monday to driving while intoxicated and leaving the scene of a crash.
Read MoreJune 13, 2023
Indiana Teamsters prepare for possible strike at UPS as negotiations near final stretch
There are less than two months left for the international Teamsters union and UPS to negotiate new contracts for workers as current agreements expire. With the possibility of a strike looming, a group of union workers from UPS facilities across Indiana and neighboring states gathered in Indianapolis to discuss the work that lies ahead.
Read MoreJune 13, 2023
New resources aim to connect all Hoosiers to hepatitis C prevention and cure
The Damien Center a care and services center for those with HIV and the Health Foundation of Indianapolis created the Connect to Cure initiative to help provide supportive and preventative services for hepatitis C.
Read MoreJune 12, 2023
EPA aims to ban a cancer-causing chemical found in Franklin, Martinsville and other sites
The Environmental Protection Agency wants to phase out the use of PCE a chemical used in dry cleaning, products like brake cleaners and brake pad glue, and some industrial processes.
Read MoreJune 12, 2023
For those not phased out of Medicaid coverage, recipient says system falls short
Thousands of Hoosiers are being phased off of Medicaid following the end of the federal public health emergency. Even for those who still have coverage, there are flaws in the system.
Read MoreJune 9, 2023
Indiana State Board of Education plans for ILEARN assessment redesign
The Indiana Department of Education has not taken any official action yet on the ILEARN redesign, but state officials kicked off discussions about the process at Wednesdays State Board of Education meeting.
Read MoreJune 9, 2023
ACLU files lawsuit to prevent Indiana's 'Don’t Say Gay' law from taking effect
Court documents said the acts lack of definitions about human sexuality and instruction mean teachers dont know what they can and cant teach.
Read MoreJune 9, 2023
Indiana food banks already stretched thin, worry new SNAP work requirements will make it worse
Indiana food bank leaders say their resources are stretched to the limit as the need for support remains unusually high. And they say new federal work requirements added to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, also known as SNAP or food stamps, will likely make the situation worse.
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