Articles tagged as: Indianapolis, Indianapolis, Indianapolis, Indianapolis, Indianapolis
November 14, 2015
Brown Was 'Conscience Of A Community'
Amos Brown was remembered Saturday as "the conscience of a community" during a funeral service that included many of the political figures he held to account during his 40-year career as a broadcaster, journalist and activist in Indianapolis.
Read MoreNovember 13, 2015
'We Are Coming For You' Police Warn Suspect in Death of Pregnant Woman
Indianapolis police investigators said Friday they've identified a suspect in the killing of Amanda Blackburn, the pastor's wife who was shot to death during a robbery at their home on the northwest side.
Read MoreNovember 12, 2015
New Study Examines Link Between Firstborn And Family Giving
The study show that the sex of the firstborn child can have an affect on the type and amount of giving that parents engage in.
Read MoreNovember 12, 2015
Pastor's Wife Died Of Gunshot Wound To The Head
The Marion County Coroner's Office released the cause of death for 28-year-old Amanda Blackburn of Indianapolis following an autopsy Thursday.
Read MoreNovember 11, 2015
Art, Science, Community Come Together At Fun-Raising Event
Giant Water Bugs and dancing images of human kidneys--- it's all about Art, Science and the Community at The daVinci Pursuit's "Let's Get Curious" Fun-Raising event.
Read MoreNovember 11, 2015
Veterans Talk About Their Service, Veterans Day
Two Hoosier veterans talked about their military service and Veterans Day during No Limits on 90.1 WFYI Tuesday.
Read MoreNovember 10, 2015
IKEA Plans Indianapolis-Area Store
Swedish retailer IKEA says it plans to open an Indianapolis-area store, the company's first in Indiana.
Read MoreNovember 10, 2015
City-County Council Greenlights $75M Bond for Tech Park
The funds will be used for infrastructure upgrades as developers build a makerspace,' bio-tech lab and entrepreneurship workspace. Planners say 16 Tech' will host up to 2,600 jobs.
Read MoreNovember 6, 2015
Local Musician Lands Role In Miles Davis Biopic
Indianapolis Jazz Bassist Brandon Meeks portrays one of Miles Davis' band members in a new biopic of the legendary musician, created by actor-director by Don Cheadle. WFYI's Jill Ditmire invited Brandon to stop by the studio to talk about the film.
Read MoreNovember 4, 2015
Federal Agency Helps Scare Roosting Crows, Starlings Away From Downtown Indianapolis
Staffers with the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Wildlife Services agency will hold a demonstration Thursday evening north of downtown Indianapolis of the pyrotechnics, lasers and recorded bird warning calls they uses to drive away pest birds.
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