Articles tagged as: Indiana University
May 18, 2018
Animal Rights Group Criticizes IU For Lab Animal Deaths
The group is calling on the Indiana University School of Medicine to fire staffers it alleges violated laboratory protocols.
Read MoreMay 11, 2018
App Helps People With Traumatic Brain Injuries Identify Emotions
After a TBI it's common for patient to develop a condition called alexithymia - the inability to identify and describe emotions.
Read MoreMay 11, 2018
IU Study: Renewable Energy Negatively Affects Some Populations
There are a lot of benefits that come with renewable energy - cleaner air, better water, and fewer health problems - but for some people, there are also drawbacks.
Read MoreApril 20, 2018
IU Bloomington Art Sculpture Learns From Its Interactions With People
"Amatria" is the name of the new "sentient" art sculpture, and it's located in a glass atrium space on the building's fourth floor.
Read MoreApril 12, 2018
National Report Criticizes Teacher Prep Programs In Indiana
The National Council for Teacher Quality highlights some shortfalls in Indiana, but some question whether the report tells the whole story.
Read MoreApril 9, 2018
IU's Lilly Library Opens Frankenstein Exhibit Featuring First Edition
Only 500 copies of the first edition were printed in the early 1800s. There are two in Indiana and one belongs to the Lilly Library.
Read MoreMarch 31, 2018
"Banner Up:" Indiana Women's Basketball Wins WNIT Title
Breaking records, presenting trophies, cutting down nets, shedding tears and shooting streamers. On the last day of March, Indiana's WNIT championship game Saturday delivered all that and more.
Read MoreMarch 21, 2018
Kelley School Creates Manufacturing Research Center At IUPUI To Address Globalization, Technology
The Indiana University Kelley School of Business is creating a new manufacturing research center on the IUPUI campus. A $1 million gift from alumnus Gregg Sherrill and his wife Sabine, will support a directorship for the center.
Read MoreMarch 16, 2018
Study: Indiana Sees Enrollment Increase In Language Courses
Indiana is one of a handful of states that have seen rising enrollment in college foreign language courses.
Read MoreMarch 12, 2018
New Indiana University Center Will Look At Rural Issues
IU says the focus and vision of the new center grew out of discussions with local residents, community leaders and the heads of regional organizations.
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