Articles tagged as: Indiana House of Representatives
February 22, 2016
Adoption Records Bill Moves Governor's Desk
Legislation opening records from Indiana's closed adoption era is one step away from becoming law. Last year, a similar measure didn't even get a vote in a House committee.
Read MoreFebruary 22, 2016
House Committee Passes High-Fenced Deer Hunting Bill Without Changes
The measure imposes rules on an industry that was left unregulated by court rulings last year. It sets regulations on the facilities, mandating things such as fence height, acreage, and reporting of escape and disease.
Read MoreFebruary 18, 2016
Lawmakers Look For The Right Place To Regulate Daily Fantasy Sports
Lawmakers on the House Public Policy Committee are wondering whether the Indiana Horse Racing Commission is the right place for daily fantasy sports, but they are not sure if the Indiana Gaming Commission is the proper fit either.
Read MoreFebruary 18, 2016
House Democrats' LGBT Amendment To Workforce Policies Bill Dismissed
The vast majority of House Republicans dismissed a Democratic amendment Thursday that would've barred employment discrimination against the LGBT community.
Read MoreFebruary 18, 2016
Additional Regional Cities Money In Jeopardy
Full funding for all three winners of Indiana's Regional Cities Initiative is in jeopardy after Speaker Brian Bosma said Thursday a bill to provide those dollars is stalled in the House.
Read MoreFebruary 4, 2016
House Approves Changes To Liquor Permitting For State Parks
The House voted 58-38 Tuesday to require the state Alcohol and Tobacco Commission to issue the permits requested by the Department of Natural Resources.
Read MoreFebruary 4, 2016
House Democrats Say They Won't Let LGBT Rights Debate Die
House Minority Leader Scott Pelath says Democrats won't give up on the issue, using whatever methods they can.
Read MoreFebruary 4, 2016
Ritz: HB 1395 Offers Chance To Create More Student Centered Test
The bill, among other things, would create a panel of educators, legislators and community members to study and create a plan for moving to a new assessment type.
Read MoreFebruary 3, 2016
Drug Offenders Now Need Prescription For Cold Medicines
Bills passed by lawmaker sin the House and Senate block those convicted of drug-related offences from buying cold medicines containing pseudoephedrine, a key ingredient in the most common recipes for methamphetamine production.
Read MoreFebruary 3, 2016
Hoosier Pharmacists Given Bigger Role In Stemming State's Meth Crisis
House and Senate lawmakers overwhelming approved bills Wednesday that give pharmacists a bigger role in helping stem the state's meth cooking crisis.
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