Articles tagged as: HIP

Experts, advocates challenge misinformation from lawmakers on Medicaid, HIP overhaul bill
Potential changes to federal funding, Medicaid worry FQHCs about their ability to provide care
Indiana Senate passes Medicaid, HIP overhaul despite concerns about access, coverage
Medicaid, HIP overhaul measure drops lifetime eligibility limit, codifies program advertising ban
Hospitals support Indiana Medicaid expansion funding changes. Braun administration raises concerns
Senate committee hears testimony on Medicaid, HIP overhaul measure
Indiana Senate Republicans want to make big changes to HIP, Medicaid. What do those changes mean?
Cuts to federal Medicaid would 'trigger' end for HIP program. 750,000 Hoosiers would lose coverage
Lawmakers call on FSSA to eliminate POWER account contributions from HIP program
HIP Plus members will keep coverage as Indiana's appeal moves forward