Articles tagged as: HIP
February 26, 2025
Experts, advocates challenge misinformation from lawmakers on Medicaid, HIP overhaul bill
Indiana lawmakers want to address Medicaid spending by overhauling the state’s Medicaid expansion program. However, testimony and discussion so far has included misinformation and misleading information on the Healthy Indiana Plan, or HIP. Medicaid experts and advocates break down the facts about the state and federal program.
Read MoreFebruary 26, 2025
Potential changes to federal funding, Medicaid worry FQHCs about their ability to provide care
Federally Qualified Health Centers serve an estimated 700,000 people in Indiana, most earn low incomes and half are on Medicaid. Now, those centers say they face uncertainty as potential changes to federal funding and Medicaid loom large.
Read MoreFebruary 18, 2025
Indiana Senate passes Medicaid, HIP overhaul despite concerns about access, coverage
Indiana lawmakers want to address rising Medicaid costs in the state budget by overhauling the state’s Medicaid expansion program. The Senate approved legislation that would make several significant changes to the Healthy Indiana Plan, or HIP.
Read MoreFebruary 13, 2025
Medicaid, HIP overhaul measure drops lifetime eligibility limit, codifies program advertising ban
Senate Bill 2 still makes major changes to the Healthy Indiana Plan, or HIP. That includes reintroducing Indiana's previously halted work requirements and an enrollment cap.
Read MoreJanuary 23, 2025
Hospitals support Indiana Medicaid expansion funding changes. Braun administration raises concerns
A House committee approved a bill that would make several funding changes to Indiana’s Medicaid expansion program. House Bill 1586 was supported by key health care stakeholders, such as the Insurance Institute of Indiana and the Indiana Hospital Association.
Read MoreJanuary 16, 2025
Senate committee hears testimony on Medicaid, HIP overhaul measure
Senate Republicans want to overhaul the Healthy Indiana Plan, or HIP, citing concerns around the Medicaid forecast. Lawmakers might need support from the federal government to implement part of the bill — but even with that support, it would likely have no impact on the forecast.
Read MoreJanuary 14, 2025
Indiana Senate Republicans want to make big changes to HIP, Medicaid. What do those changes mean?
A potential overhaul of the state’s Medicaid expansion program would include changes such as caps on enrollment and limits on lifetime eligibility. The overhaul would also reintroduce a proposal that the federal government previously blocked because it could lead to a loss of coverage.
Read MoreDecember 10, 2024
Cuts to federal Medicaid would 'trigger' end for HIP program. 750,000 Hoosiers would lose coverage
Indiana is one of 12 states that are vulnerable to Medicaid coverage loss if federal funding is reduced under the upcoming Trump administration.
Read MoreAugust 22, 2024
Lawmakers call on FSSA to eliminate POWER account contributions from HIP program
Several lawmakers want the Indiana Family and Social Services Administration to remove a policy from the Healthy Indiana Plan, or HIP, that has been linked to loss of coverage for Medicaid members. The calls to reevaluate POWER account contributions come as the state continues to appeal a federal ruling against the policy.
Read MoreAugust 20, 2024
HIP Plus members will keep coverage as Indiana's appeal moves forward
A federal judge has granted a motion that will allow Healthy Indiana Plan, or HIP, members to maintain their HIP Plus coverage while the state appeals a federal ruling. The program’s approval was vacated by the judge in June, but the state has been working to appeal the ruling.
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