Articles tagged as: health care costs
April 10, 2023
Mixed results on bills to lower health care costs, as health care leaders express concerns
Indiana lawmakers continue to debate bills that aim to tackle health care costs.
Read MoreApril 3, 2023
Indiana could save $2B if hospitals lowered prices. Hospital leaders dispute this analysis
People in Indiana could save up to $2 billion dollars in health care costs if non-critical access, non-profit hospitals lower their prices to the national average, according to a new analysis by the Employers Forum of Indiana.
Read MoreMarch 2, 2023
Several bills that aim to lower health care costs in Indiana cleared the Senate and House
Indiana lawmakers have proposed numerous bills over the years aimed at lowering health care costs, with little success. This legislative session, however, a number of similar bills have sailed through the Senate and House chambers.
Read MoreFebruary 15, 2023
Bills to lower drug costs and increase access to home health aides pass Senate committee
The Senate Health and Provider Services Committee passed two bills Wednesday, which aim to increase access to in-home health services and lower drug costs for consumers.
Read MoreFebruary 13, 2023
States face an uphill battle to stop runaway health care costs
Eight states are following Massachusetts lead and trying to strike the right balance of slowing health care spending without causing too much pain to the industry.
Read MoreFebruary 1, 2023
Indiana hospitals are in the red, and they don’t agree with lawmakers on how to cut costs
Indiana's hospital leaders say that they have been operating in the red in 2022 due to inflation and rising labor costs. And they are worried that proposed legislation to address rising health care costs could push them deeper into financial stress.
Read MoreOctober 4, 2022
Why are Indiana’s health care costs so high?
Various studies show Indianas prices for health care and hospital care as some of the highest in the country. A listener in Angola was curious about the reasoning behind this.
Read MoreJune 9, 2022
How a clinician’s desire to be thorough can cause a harmful spiral of unnecessary care
When medical tests and procedures are overused, they not only raise medical costs. They can also lead to unneeded interventions and cause fear and anxiety over nothing.
Read MoreApril 13, 2022
Health clinic will offer free medical and dental care at Lucas Oil Stadium
A health clinic will offer medical services free of charge for uninsured and underinsured individuals starting Sunday in Indianapolis at Lucas Oil Stadium. The four-day event will offer dental care and specialized medical services, regardless of insurance status.
Read MoreApril 5, 2022
Hospitals, insurers cast blame amid high health care costs debate
Indiana's legislative leaders sent a letter to the state's health care providers and insurers a few months ago. In it, they told them to act now to reduce health care costs or lawmakers will take steps to do so next year.
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