Articles tagged as: Governor Eric Holcomb
April 20, 2020
Indiana May Soon Allow Elective Surgeries Again
The latest extension of Gov. Eric Holcomb's "Stay-At-Home" order may allow health care facilities to begin doing elective surgeries.
Read MoreApril 10, 2020
Gov. Holcomb Signs New Order For Teacher Evaluations, Student Teachers
The new order says schools can use a teacher's evaluation from last year, or conduct a new one. If it's new, they can't use test scores or observations unless those were done while classes were still meeting in person.
Read MoreApril 6, 2020
Holcomb Tweaks, Extends 'Stay-At-Home' Order Through April 20
Essential retail businesses, like grocery stores, can stay open. But they must now limit their customers to help observe social distancing guidelines and adjust hours to help accommodate older customers. Things are also changing for non-essential businesses.
Read MoreApril 3, 2020
Where Gov. Holcomb's Emergency Powers Come From
Hoosiers will remain under a "stay-at-home" order for the next couple of weeks after Gov. Eric Holcomb announced Friday he will extend his directive. Provisions in state law empower the governor to make and enforce such an order.
Read MoreApril 3, 2020
Holcomb To Extend 'Stay-At-Home' Order, National Guard Assesses Hospital Capacity
Gov. Eric Holcomb announced Friday he will extend the state's "Stay-At-Home" order through April 20. He says hell announce new changes to the order Monday.
Read MoreMarch 31, 2020
Unclear Whether Gov. Holcomb Wants Abortions Halted Under Executive Order
Holcomb's order requires all health care facilities to postpone or cancel elective, non-urgent surgical or invasive procedures during the COVID-19 crisis, unless doing so would risk the patient's health, as determined by their doctor.
Read MoreMarch 26, 2020
Holcomb Pleased With How 'Stay-At-Home' Order Is Working
Gov. Eric Holcomb says the "proof is in the pudding" when looking at traffic patterns, for instance, to determine whether his "Stay-At-Home" order is working.
Read MoreMarch 25, 2020
Governor Vetos Controversial Tenant Landlord Bill
A controversial bill that would have restricted local municipalities from implementing measures to protect renters has been vetoed by Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb
Read MoreMarch 23, 2020
Holcomb's Stay-At-Home Order Not As Extreme As Other States' For Businesses, Expert Says
Hair salons, tattoo parlors and others will be expected to close. The order exempts many businesses including grocery stores, banks and pharmacies, and allows restaurants to continue offering take-out services.
Read MoreMarch 23, 2020
WATCH: Gov. Eric Holcomb Announces Stay At Home Order
Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb will address the state Monday at 12 p.m. with the latest on developments in slowing the spread of COVID-19.
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