Articles tagged as: Governor Eric Holcomb
November 11, 2020
Indiana Reinstating Some Coronavirus Limits As Risk Spreads
A new executive order starting this weekend will limit crowd sizes to 25 people in the highest-risk red counties and 50 people in the next-riskiest orange counties.
Read MoreNovember 11, 2020
Holcomb Reimposes Limited COVID-19 Restrictions In Counties With Worsening Spread
Gov. Eric Holcomb announced Wednesday he will reimpose some COVID-19 restrictions on counties failing to control spread of the virus.
Read MoreNovember 4, 2020
Holcomb: Big Election Victory Won't Impact COVID-19 Decision-Making
Holcomb faced sharp criticism from both his political left and right over his handling of the pandemic. But he was also re-elected by a huge margin.
Read MoreNovember 3, 2020
Gov. Eric Holcomb Wins Reelection Bid
Gov. Eric Holcomb has easily secured a second term in office, winning re-election over challengers Dr. Woody Myers, the Democrat, and Libertarian Donald Rainwater.
Read MoreNovember 3, 2020
Republican Holcomb Wins Reelection As Indiana Governor
Republican Eric Holcomb has won reelection as Indiana governor, fending off challengers who criticized his handling of the coronavirus pandemic.
Read MoreOctober 30, 2020
Holcomb Assures Hoosiers Voting In-Person Is Safe, Despite COVID-19 Surge
Gov. Eric Holcomb insists Hoosiers are safe at polling places across the state amid the ongoing pandemic. That's despite a record new number of COVID-19 cases, long lines at the polls and some county clerks who refuse to follow Holcomb's mask-wearing order.
Read MoreOctober 28, 2020
Indiana Governor Won't Back Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccine
Gov. Eric Holcomb's stance comes even though Indiana law already requires 11 vaccines for public school students, including those for whooping cough, tetanus, measles and meningitis.
Read MoreOctober 27, 2020
Rainwater, Myers On The Attack Against Holcomb In Second Guberatorial Debate
Hoosier voters got their chance Tuesday to hear the candidates views on a wide range of topics everything from marijuana legalization and redistricting reform to racial inequity and broadband access.
Read MoreOctober 26, 2020
Indiana Governor Debates Can Have Impact, Despite So Many Early Voters
It's likely more than 1 million Hoosiers will have voted before the second of two gubernatorial debates takes place Tuesday and some question whether those debates can still have an impact because of their late date.
Read MoreOctober 20, 2020
Governor Candidates Clash Over Education, COVID-19, Guns In First Debate
Gov. Eric Holcomb defended his job performance Tuesday in the first of two gubernatorial debates this year. His challengers, Democrat Dr. Woody Myers and Libertarian Donald Rainwater, assailed Holcombs record but from sharply different angles.
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