Articles tagged as: Donald Trump
August 17, 2016
3 Hoosier Farmers Will Help Advise Trump On Ag, Rural Issues
The Indiana-based co-chairs of Trump's agriculture committee represent three of the largest and most well-connected farm businesses in the state and the country.
Read MoreJuly 29, 2016
Pence: Election Is 'Fork In The Road" For Constitutional Protections
Indiana Gov. Mike Pence warned that the November election would be a "fork in the road." If Clinton is elected, he said, her administration could stack the U.S. Supreme Court with appointees who would damage constitutional protections of on "sanctity of life", the Second Amendment and the overall "rule of law" for the next 40 years.
Read MoreJuly 28, 2016
Meet The Indiana Businessman Who Paved The Way For The Trump Nomination
Wendell Willkie was born in the Madison County town of Elwood, and later lived with his wife on a farm in her hometown of Rushville. But - and here's where the similarities with the 2016 nominee begin -- he'd built a career and a fortune in New York City.
Read MoreJuly 21, 2016
Trump-Cruz Feud Flares Anew On Third Night Of Convention
The high stakes of the Donald Trump-Ted Cruz brinkmanship brought to the flashpoint all the anger and tension pent up in the GOP convention over three days - and in the party over several decades.
Read MoreJuly 21, 2016
Pence Officially Accepts Nomination As GOP Vice Presidential Candidate
Mike Pence took the stage at the Republican National Convention Wednesday to make his case for the Trump-Pence ticket.
Read MoreJuly 20, 2016
What Did Mike Pence Do For Indiana Schools As Governor? Here's A Look
Donald Trump has said: "Got to get rid of Common Core - fast." And a couple of years ago, it seemed Pence would be a trailblazer in doing that at the state level. It didn't totally turn out that way.
Read MoreJuly 16, 2016
Trump: Mike Pence Is "My Partner In This Campaign"
Donald Trump introduced Indiana Gov. Mike Pence as his running mate on Saturday, saying Pence was his first and best choice to join him on a winning Republican presidential ticket.
Read MoreJuly 16, 2016
Trump Introduces Running Mate Pence To America
Donald Trump and Gov. Mike Pence appeared together Saturday morning at a midtown Manhattan hotel, an unofficial kickoff event to the Republican National Convention two days before it opens in Cleveland.
Read MoreJuly 15, 2016
Despite Ties To VP Pick Mike Pence, Koch Network Still Refuses To Support Trump
Though the Indiana governor has deep connections to the powerful tax-exempt groups led by the billionaire brothers, the Koch money network maintains its focus will be protecting the Republican Senate.
Read MoreJuly 15, 2016
Donald Trump And VP Pick Pence Face Divide On Women's Health, LGBT Issues
The two will have gulfs to cross on some key issues including Medicaid expansion, LGBT rights and Trump's proposed Muslim ban.
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