Articles tagged as: Attorney General Todd Rokita
May 20, 2021
AG Todd Rokita Sends Letter Condemning Federal Anti-Racism Education Efforts
Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita is leading a multi-state effort calling on the Biden administration to drop a proposal aimed at funding more comprehensive and inclusive civics and history programs.
Read MoreMay 18, 2021
Indiana Governor's Lawyers Push Challenge To Emergency Law
Gov. Eric Holcomb's lawyers argue in a Monday court filing that Attorney General Todd Rokita is making "absurd" arguments that he alone has the legal authority to represent the state in court and to decide whether the new law is constitutional.
Read MoreMay 3, 2021
Indiana Constitutional Fight Means Tussle Among GOP Leaders
The conservative pushback over Indianas COVID-19 restrictions is turning into a tangled legal standoff among Republicans who dominate the Statehouse.
Read MoreApril 30, 2021
Rokita Moves To Stop Holcomb Lawsuit Against General Assembly
Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita wants Gov. Eric Holcomb's lawsuit against the General Assembly to stop before it goes any further.
Read MoreMarch 17, 2021
GOP Attorneys General Question Stimulus Barring Tax Cuts
Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita is among Republican attorneys general from 21 states are questioning a provision in the $1.9 trillion pandemic rescue plan that bars states from using its funds to offset tax cuts.
Read MoreMarch 17, 2021
Indiana Attorney General Defends Governor's Mask Order Power
Indiana's attorney generals office vigorously defended Gov. Eric Holcomb's emergency powers in response to a restaurant's lawsuit challenging his order that masks must be worn inside restaurants to stem the spread of the coronavirus.
Read MoreMarch 11, 2021
Indiana Attorney General Continues Business Advisory Roles
Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita is being paid by private businesses for consulting work, including $25,000 a year for advising a Connecticut-based pharmaceutical company, according to a newspaper report.
Read MoreMarch 5, 2021
Indiana Attorney General Quitting Role With Health Firm
Republican Todd Rokita's continued role with Indianapolis-based Apex Benefits became public two weeks ago.
Read MoreFebruary 17, 2021
Indiana Attorney General Keeps Job With Health Benefits Firm
Republican Todd Rokita began his term as state government's top lawyer in early January while still working for Indianapolis-based Apex Benefits.
Read MoreFebruary 5, 2021
Indiana To Get $12.5M Share Of National Opioid Settlement
The settlement with New York-based McKinsey & Company is the first multistate opioid settlement to result in a substantial payout to states.
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