Articles tagged as: Affordable Care Act
January 13, 2017
As Congress Moves Closer To Obamacare Repeal, What Will Happen To Hoosiers Covered by HIP 2.0?
A repeal could affect millions of Americans who gained coverage through Medicaid expansion, including about 250,000 Hoosiers.
Read MoreJanuary 10, 2017
Indiana's Model For Medicaid Could Spread--But It's Not Working For Everyone
Legal and health care advocates say the requirement for Hoosiers to pay into the state's HIP 2.0 system is causing problems.
Read MoreDecember 6, 2016
Signed Out Of Prison But Not Signed Up For Health Insurance
Most of the state prison systems in the places that expanded Medicaid under Obamacare have come up short on enrolling exiting inmates, despite the fact that many of them are chronically ill.
Read MoreNovember 29, 2016
Donnelly Opposes Price's Nomination for HHS
Sen. Joe Donnelly says he will oppose President-elect Donald Trump's choice to lead the Department of Health and Human Services.
Read MoreNovember 29, 2016
ACA Enrollment On Track, Despite Uncertainty
What healthcare reform will look like a year from now is unknown but thousands of people are enrolling in the ACA for 2017 coverage.
Read MoreNovember 21, 2016
If Republicans Repeal Obamacare, Ryan Has Replacement Blueprint
The absence of specifics on health care from the president-elect makes the plan released by Speaker of the House Paul Ryan in June the best outline of what Republicans would like to replace Obamacare.
Read MoreOctober 31, 2016
How Much Will Hoosiers Pay On The ACA Marketplace? It Depends On Whom You Ask
Last week the Obama administration announced new rates on the federal marketplace will rise an average of 22 percent nationwide. That reported increase, though, is only based on one benchmark Silver plan, which is used to calculate federal subsidies.
Read MoreOctober 28, 2016
Despite Dwindling Marketplace, Most Indiana Counties Still Have Insurance Choices
An analysis by the AP and Avalere Health finds most Indiana counties have three or more marketplace insurers offering coverage for 2017.
Read MoreOctober 25, 2016
Election Places Focus On Affordable Care Act Debate
The ACA has helped thousands of Hoosiers get coverage, but rising premiums for some are causing concern and getting a lot of attention on the campaign trail.
Read MoreSeptember 27, 2016
IU Health Plans Latest Company To Exit ACA Exchange
Earlier this year, United Healthcare announced it was exiting Indiana's individual marketplace, and last month, Fort Wayne-based Physicians Health Plan of Northern Indiana followed suit.
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