U.S. Sen. Todd Young (R-Ind.) says he’s hopeful the Senate will vote in August on comprehensive opioid addiction treatment legislation.
Brandon Smith/IPB NewsSen. Todd Young (R-Ind.) says he’s hopeful the Senate will vote in August on comprehensive opioid addiction treatment legislation.
Young met with local stakeholders to discuss ways to address the state’s opioid crisis.
The U.S. Senate has some significant issues to tackle in August – government funding and a Supreme Court nomination likely top the list. Young says he wants to see an opioid treatment package make it to the president, even with the focus on those other priorities.
“Since this is a national crisis and is broadly recognized as a national crisis in every community, every congressional district across the country, I’m optimistic,” Young says.
Young told stakeholders he hopes “CORCs,” comprehensive opioid recovery centers, will be part of any legislative package.
“Well it’s important that we have a one-stop shop so that when people are addicted, they don’t have to go to multiple providers in order to meet their various needs,” Young says.
CORCs would combine services that include residential rehab, counseling, and job training – all under one roof.