Voters begin to file into Bankers Life Fieldhouse to cast their vote on election day.
Robert Moscato-Goodpaster/WFYIAs the polls opened on this Election Day amid the COVID-19 pandemic, officials are taking steps to make the experience safer for voters.
Russell Hollis, deputy director of the Marion County Clerk’s office, was at the Bankers Life Fieldhouse polling site early Tuesday morning and said he’s confident that people can vote safely and quickly.
“We have hand sanitizer located throughout the polling place. We will frequently sanitize voter equipment in between uses," Hollis said. "And voters can use either a glove or finger sleeve to make their selection on voter equipment.”
With anticipated record turnout, Hollis said he was pleased with how many voting sites are available in Marion County.
“I’m excited at the fact that we have 187 locations spread throughout the county. Voters can vote at any of those locations," Hollis said. "So, in theory, if there was a long line at one location, a voter could go two minutes down the road to another location where there’s a shorter line and vote there.”
Check wait times at polling sites
Voter turnout was strong before Election Day as resdidents took advantage of early voting. A third of registered voters have already cast their ballots.